Feedback & Complain

Complaints and Feedback

At, we highly value the input we receive from our clients and are unwavering in our commitment to delivering top-tier service. Our structured complaints policy and framework have been put in place to effectively address any concerns you may have. Our ultimate objective is to handle all complaints with expediency, equity, and the utmost professionalism.

Initiating a Complaint Should you wish to lodge a formal complaint, we encourage you to get in touch with us via email. We endeavour to acknowledge all formal written complaints within a span of five business days from receipt. Our specialized team will conduct a thorough investigation into the matter and furnish a comprehensive response within ten business days.

Kindly direct your formal complaints to:

Feedback and General Inquiries We wholeheartedly welcome your feedback and invite you to communicate any apprehensions or suggestions you may have regarding our services. You can provide feedback or pose general queries by dispatching a message through the 'My Account' section on our website or by contacting us through the following means:

Phone: 0207 377 0727

Elevating Pending Complaints In situations where your complaint remains unresolved or you find our response unsatisfactory, there exists the possibility to escalate the matter. Unresolved pharmacy-related complaints can be referred to the authoritative body, The General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC). The GPhC assumes the role of regulating pharmacies and pharmacy professionals within the United Kingdom. You can engage with them through the subsequent contact details:

The General Pharmaceutical Council
General Pharmaceutical Council Level 14 One Cabot Square London E14 4QJ
Phone: 020 3713 8000

At, we are steadfast in our commitment to perpetual enhancement and hold your feedback in high regard. Every complaint is accorded due seriousness, and our efforts are dedicated to resolving them in a just and transparent manner. Your contentment remains of paramount importance to us, and we express our gratitude for the time you invest in providing invaluable feedback.